Education Loan

School Fees Loan

(accessing quality education with convenience)
  1. Application letter
  2. Applicant to provide school fees bill
  3. Applicant who is a salary earner must provide copy of letter of employment, confirmation letter, official identity card; three months pay slip and 6 months’ salary account bank statement. 3 Undated signed cheque leaflets for salary account.
  4. Maximum loan of 50% -70% of school fees value.
  5. Domiciliation of salary or automation of Direct debit deduction from salary account on a monthly basis/ provision of undated signed cheque leaflets for salary account for monthly repayment.
  6. Two guarantors who are salary earners. Guarantors to submit 3 months pay slip, copy of official ID card, undated, signed cheque leaflets for monthly repayments, I passport photograph and salary account bank statement and execute personal guarantee form.
  7. Loan to be liquidated by end of term/semester or session, maximum repayment tenor of 12 months.
  8. Letter of admission from the borrower’s school
  9. Tangible Collateral which must be at least 150% of the loan value for loan value above =N=500,000
  10. Micro insurance cover.
  • Application letter
  • Applicant to provide school fees bill
  • Applicant who is a salary earner must provide copy of letter of employment, confirmation letter, official identity card; three months pay slip and 6 months’ salary account bank statement. 3 Undated signed cheque leaflets for salary account.
  • Maximum loan of 50% -70% of school fees value.
  • Domiciliation of salary or automation of Direct debit deduction from salary account on a monthly basis/ provision of undated signed cheque leaflets for salary account for monthly repayment.
  • Two guarantors who are salary earners. Guarantors to submit 3 months pay slip, copy of official ID card, undated, signed cheque leaflets for monthly repayments, I passport photograph and salary account bank statement and execute personal guarantee form.
  • Loan to be liquidated by end of session, maximum repayment tenor of 12 months.
  • Letter of admission from the borrower’s school
  • Tangible Collateral which must be at least 150% of the loan value for loan value above =N=500,000
  • Micro insurance cover.

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